Most commonly as Calibration Components are known the Opens, Shorts, Loads, and the Throughlines. Other necessities, useful before or during the calibration sequence and the testing, are Connector Interface Gauges, Torque Wrenches, Thread Limit Gauges and Instrument Grade Adapters. Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH does supply all these components.
Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH offers besides the components, supplied in calibration kits, a variety of Opens, Shorts, Loads and Throughlines that can be purchased individually and are available in most connector series. The Opens and Shorts, not furnished in Kits are not necessarily supplied with the calibration properties of the components. They might be available with the subject data, and even on disc, but this has to be verified with our sales staff, or with engineering.
The new generation calibration components are colour coded. Bright shiny nickel was chosen for the Shorts, easy to remember, as an electrical short circuit would cause bright lightning. Black endcaps were selected for the Opens, as an open electrical circuit is usually rather unexciting, or black. Gold plating was chosen for the Precision Terminations for convenience.
Before connecting any device to the network analizer, the interfaces of its connectors have to be checked, to ensure that they meet the appropriate specification. Protruding interfaces may damage the mating connectors. Interfaces that are recessed below the allowed dimension will lead to useless test results.
For proper test results and long life of the connectors, the rules need to be obeyed. For each individual connector series a torque has been specified, a torque that ensures proper mating conditions, repeatable electrical performance and guarantees mechanically a long life of the connectors. Using a Torque Wrench guarantees that the connection is not too loose, it also ensures that the connection is not too tight, preventing possible connector damage and impaired electrical performance. Using the Torque Wrench also assures that all connections are equally tight, each time.
Checking the thread of connectors on units under test and the thread of adapters to be used during testing, may avoid ruining expensive calibration compo-nents or connectors at test equipment. Out of limits thread may damage the connectors of mating components. Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH offers a comprehensive line of thread limit gauges to check the thread on a “GO” / “NO GO” basis.
For certain applications adapters are needed, as the test ports of the network analizer may not have the connector configuration desired, or the appropriate test cable is not available. Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH offers a wide variety of in-series and between-series adapters, and test ports adapters, the NMD adapters, which have a larger than standard coupling nut for easy and direct connection with the test port of the network analizer.
Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH manufactures a series of Phase Stable Assemblies, fitted at one side with the appropriate NMD connector for direct connection with the Scalar Network Analyzers of Hewlett Packard and Wiltron, and with either 2.4mm, 2.9mm, 3.5mm, SMP, N, or TNC, etc., males or females, at the other end of the Assembly.