DC-Block Connectors


The DC Block is used to prevent the flow of direct current or video along a transmission line while permitting the uninterrupted flow of RF. The unit consists of a short length of coaxial line, having a capacitance in series with the center conductor. The RF is transmitted with negligible reflection or attenuation while the DC or video frequencies are blocked. The outline dimensions of the components are the same as for standard connectors and adapters. Special components can be engineered to customer specification.

SMA female, Panel Mount Contact Termination
DC-Block Connector / DC-0018-2100 Part Number: DC-0018-2100
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Frequency Range: 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
VSWR: 1.25:1 max.
Insertion Loss: 0.5 dB max.
DC Voltage: 100 V max.
Capacitance: 100 pF, other values available
Orientation: straight
Mounting: 4-hole flange
Operating Temperature: -54°C to +115°C


SMA male, Panel Mount Contact Termination
DC-Block Connector / DC-0018-1100 Part Number: DC-0018-1100
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Frequency Range: 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
VSWR: 1.25:1 max.
Insertion Loss: 0.5 dB max.
DC Voltage: 100 V max.
Capacitance: 100 pF, other values available
Orientation: straight
Mounting: 4-hole flange
Operating Temperature: -54°C to +115°C


Center Conductor
DC-Block Connector, Center Conductor / 90-059-1 Part Number: 90-059-1
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Frequency Range: 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
Operating Temperature: -54°C to +115°C


SMA female to SMA female
DC-Block Connector / DC-0018-2121 Part Number: DC-0018-2121
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Frequency Range: 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
VSWR: 1.25:1 max.
Insertion Loss: 0.5 dB max.
DC Voltage: 100 V max.
Capacitance: 100 pF, other values available
Orientation: straight
Mounting: ---
Operating Temperature: -54°C to +115°C


SMA female to SMA male
DC-Block Connector / DC-0018-1121 Part Number: DC-0018-1121
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Frequency Range: 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
VSWR: 1.25:1 max.
Insertion Loss: 0.5 dB max.
DC Voltage: 100 V max.
Capacitance: 100 pF, other values available
Orientation: straight
Mounting: ---
Operating Temperature: -54°C to +115°C


SMA male to SMA male
DC-Block Connector / DC-0018-1111 Part Number: DC-0018-1111
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Frequency Range: 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
VSWR: 1.25:1 max.
Insertion Loss: 0.5 dB max.
DC Voltage: 100 V max.
Capacitance: 100 pF, other values available
Orientation: straight
Mounting: ---
Operating Temperature: -54°C to +115°C


SMA female Flange Mount, Stripline
DC-Block Connector / DC-0018-2101 Part Number: DC-0018-2101
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Frequency Range: 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
VSWR: 1.25:1 max.
Insertion Loss: 0.5 dB max.
DC Voltage: 100 V max.
Capacitance: 100 pF, other values available
Orientation: straight
Mounting: 4-hole flange
Operating Temperature: -54°C to +115°C
DC-Block Connectors
Contact Details
Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH
Olschewskibogen 1
80935 Munich

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 450 533
80905 Munich

+49 (0)89 / 354 804-0
+49 (0)89 / 354 804-90
