Cable Datasheets

High Performance Flexible Cable
Cable Type 103
Ultimate Performance
DC - 32.00 GHz
Cable Code Standard 103
Armored Armored
Frequency Range DC - 32.00 GHz
Outer Diameter [mm] 6.60
Impedance [Ohms]
(@ sea level and +25°C)
50 ± 2
Velocity of Propagation
[%, ± 2%]
Capacitance [pF/m] 79.00
Dielectric Strength
(60 Hz) [KV rms]
Max. Operating Voltage
(60 Hz, @ sea level) [KV rms]
Nominal Insertion Loss vs. Frequency [dB/m] 2.00 GHz 0.38
4.00 GHz 0.53
6.00 GHz 0.66
8.00 GHz 0.77
12.00 GHz 0.95
18.00 GHz 1.20
26.50 GHz 1.50
31.00 GHz 1.58
32.00 GHz 1.62
Nominal CW Power vs. Frequency
(@ sea level and +20°C)
2.00 GHz 550.00
4.00 GHz 400.00
6.00 GHz 320.00
8.00 GHz 290.00
12.40 GHz 215.00
18.00 GHz 195.00
26.50 GHz 170.00
31.00 GHz 155.00
32.00 GHz 150.00
RF Leakage @ 9.5 GHz >100 @ 18.0 GHz dbC
Operating Temperature Range -65 to +165
Center Conductor Material Solid Copper, silver-plated
Diameter [mm] 1.30
Dielectric Material Low-density EPTFE
Diameter [mm] 3.60
Dielectric Constant 1.5
Outer Conductor Construction silver-plated copper foil, silver-plated copper braid
Outer Jacket FEP
Weight [grams/m] 130.00
Connector Retention Force [N] 130.00
Minimum Bend Radius, Inside, Static [mm] 20.00
Minimum Bend Radius, Inside, Dynamic [mm] 80.00
Cross Section View:
Cable Cross Section View


Attenuation & Power Graph:

Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH | Olschewskibogen 1 | 80935 Munich, Germany | | +49 (0)89 / 354 804-0 | +49 (0)89 / 354 804-90
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Cable Index